Thursday, January 15, 2009


I havent thought of a clever title for this posting just yet, so that mess of letters will have to do for now. I have been back at my parents house now for just over a week and I am already starting to get depressed.

I'm not sure exactly what does it, but im almost positive it would be the lack of friends here. I actually dont have a friend for atleast 40 miles of this place. It really makes you think about all that friends do for you. Wether it be driving me 100 miles home, keeping me company,watching movies, sharing your beers with me, or in one case overcoming the dislike of a girl just to make me happy, going out of your way to make sure I have food I can eat when I breake my face or even offering me a can of soup,because I couldnt chew, offering me your beer,weed or hydrocodone when I had a terrible headache, allowing me to sleep on your couch for a week and go to work with you everyday,packing 3 deep in the front seat of a single cab truck to experience a great week with many new friends,helping me to work on my car,buying me seven 16oz tall boys at the bar, riding bikes with me, traveling across country with me for 3 days just to race our bikes,letting me sleep in your camper, having my back when I am in need of help,working on my backyard ramps with me, taking pictures of me, taking me to my first strip club, giving me a washer or spacer for my bike, allowing me to be a part of your company or help push your t-shirts, giving me a ride to the store or bar. This list could literally go on forever...

Besides my mom,dad,grandma, and last but not least my grandfather. I dont have much else. (I love my family to death.) Friends are all I truly have besides family. I mean sure I have a few material objects. A couple bikes, a car, a laptop and clothes. But without friends what would any of that matter. I love some of my friends just as much as I love my family. You guys know who you are. I would do almost anything for these friends. It doesnt matter If we have only been friends for a week youve already helped bring my life joy in some way. I'd thank each and evryone of you personally but you motherfuckers know exactly who you are, I love you

1 comment:

JesseHeath said...

i love you buddy.
and alabama misses you.
im going to keep saying that till you get back.